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Who's Who

Meet the staff at our school!

Head Teacher

Mrs. Nadine Wilkinson


Foundation 2 Teachers

Miss Alice Atkin (SENDCo & Senior Teacher)  (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
Miss Carys Williams (Thursday and Friday)


Class 1 Teacher
Miss Hannah Ramwell (Thrive Practitioner and Senior Teacher)  (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)
Mrs. Sophie Betts (Wednesday)


Class 2 Teacher
Mrs. Abbie Webb 


Class 3 

Mrs. Lynsey Clarke (maternity Leave)
Mrs. Lorna Garfoot (maternity cover)


Learning Support Assistants

Mrs. Les Hunt

Miss Jacqui Bell

Mrs. Helen White
Mrs. Kerry Wilson
Mrs. Vanessa Wade
Ms. Lydia Armstrong

Office Manager
Mrs. Stephanie Ferraby 


Administration Assistant
Mrs. Carolyn Treweek


Mr. Mark Bloom



Miss Kay Richmond


School Chef 

Mrs. Maxine Cook


Midday Supervisors

Mrs. Shirley Bloom
Miss Kay Richmond

Mrs. Michelle Clarkson


Breakfast Club
Mrs. Shirley Bloom
Miss Kay Richmond

After School Club - Sutton Club
This is led by school staff on a rota basis, this is an example week.
Monday - Miss Bell and Mrs. Clarkson
Tuesday - Mrs. Bloom and Miss Richmond
Wednesday - Mrs. Bloom and Miss Richmond
Thursday - Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Clarkson
Friday - Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Clarkson


Portland Place Pre-school (Separately Managed)

Miss Donna Fennessy - Manager

Mrs. Dana Dexter - Deputy Manager

Mrs. Christie Roberts

Miss Jessica Campbell

Miss Ellie Bestwick



