Welcome to the Governors' section!
Our school governors are actively involved in the life and work of the school. They support the activities which are going on at Sutton as well as providing challenge to enable the school to move forward; recognising achievements and evaluating progress.
The governors meet termly for the Full Governing Body meeting and in addition to these meetings, there are sub-committee meetings held at least termly.
There are two committees; Strategic Development and Pupils (SDP) and Finance, General Purposes and Personnel (FGPP).
Governing Body minutes are available on request, please contact the school office.
Details on election of the school governors;
Foundation Governors are elected by the Diocese
Staff Governors are elected by teaching and non-teaching staff
Local Authority Governors are elected by
Associate Governors are agreed by the Full Governing Body
The decision to appoint any new governor is ratified at a Full Governing Body meeting prior to their appointment.
Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor - Mr Mark Greenwood
Link responsibilities: P.E, Head Teacher Appraisal and Maths
Term of office: 12/11/20 - 11/11/24 (renewed for a further term from 11/11/24 - 10/11/2028)
FGPP & SDP committees
Pecuniary interest: None
Vice Chair of Governors & Parent Governor - Mrs. Sophie Pilsworth
Link responsibilities: Safeguarding
Term of office: 7/12/21 - 6/12/25
SDP & FGPP committee
Pecuniary interest: None
Local Authority Governor - Mr Keith Circuit
Link responsibilities: Complaints, Health and Safety
Term of office: 23/02/24 - 22/02/2028
FGPP committee
Pecuniary interest: None
Executive Head Teacher - Mrs. Nadine Wilkinson
Term of office: 01/09/12 -
FGPP & SDP committees
Pecuniary interest: Headteacher of Beckingham Primary School 1st September 2024 to 31st December 2024
Staff Governor - Miss Hannah Ramwell
Term of office: 08/09/2024 - 07/09/2028
SDP committee
Pecuniary interests: None
Parent Governor - Mrs. Sally Keen
Link responsibilities:
Term of office: 25/01/2024 - 24/01/2028
FGPP & SDP committee
Pecuniary interests: None
Foundation Governor - Mrs. Christine Ruck
Link responsibilities: Staff and Pupil Well-Being, Collective Worship and Religious Education, Head Teacher Appraisal
Term of office: 12/11/2 - 11/11/24 (renewed for a further term 11/11/24 - 10/11/2028)
SDP committee
Pecuniary interest: None
Foundation Governor - Mrs. Lorna Garfoot
Link responsibilities: --
Term of office: 29/01/2024 - 28/1/2028
Pecuniary Interest: (membership is paused during the teaching cover at Sutton)
SDP committee
Foundation Governor - VACANCY
Link responsibilities:
Term of office:
Pecuniary interests:
Foundation Governor - VACANCY
Link responsibilities:
Term of office:
Pecuniary interests:
Foundation Governor - VACANCY
Link responsibilities:
Term of office:
Pecuniary interests:
Foundation Governor - VACANCY
Link responsibilities:
Term of office:
Pecuniary interests: