On this page you will find an overview of what we are learning this week and videos you can watch to support learning at home.
There are some things that we ask you do as often as possible:
Early Years education is all about play! Join in with your child and be a good role-model by following their interests and playing with them.
You can keep in touch with us with any questions, comments and/or photos on our class email: class1@suttonlound.notts.sch.uk
Phonics games and personalised planning can be accessed via the link below. If you have lost your personalised username and password let us know and we can send it on.
Year 1 children now have access to TT Rockstars. You can use this app to practise your timetables; it will recognise which times tables you are confident with and the ones you might need some extra practise on. It is lots of fun and very popular with our children. Please let us know via the class email if you need a login and password.