Our Hero and Villain this term is…
The first half of Summer term we learnt about the hero (or villain?!) Robin Hood and his Merry Men. The children were so engaged with the learning, and find it fascinating that the legend took place just down the road! We have loved getting dressed up and role-playing our favourite characters; Robin Hood, Main Marion, King John etc and creating bow and arrows using natural materials from our outside area. To see how and what we learnt this term, see our mind maps below.
What a fab day! Class 1 had so much fun spending the day dressed up as Robin Hood characters, we all looked fantastic. We did lots of fun activities throughout the day such as planning fantasy stories and role-playing the Robin Hood stories! In the afternoon parents were invited to join in our fun and get involved with some Medieval activities. A huge thank you to everybody who was able to come, it was a great afternoon with beautiful weather! Have a look at our photos from the day. And here's to looking forward to our Sherwood Forest visit!
We had a great trip to Sherwood Forest! In the morning we learnt all about the adventures of Robin Hood and went on a walk around his 'stomping ground'. We learnt all about the places he hid in Sherwood Forest and the people who lived there. We even got to have a close up look at the Major Oak! After that, we went on a forest sensory walk. We were using our senses to learn about our forests and did lots of fun activities. We really liked making potions and tree hugging!