Please see the links and information below for useful advice and guidance about your child's health.
If you are at all concerned, please consult your GP.
Update May 12th 9.30am
Please find the link below to the guidance which has been published by the government for parents and carers about schools opening to more pupils from 1st June.
I think at this point, there is still some deal of uncertainty about the gradual re-opening of school and whether this will be possible as the government continues to monitor the infection rate.
We will be putting measures in place so we are fully prepared for the gradual reopening when that occurs.
We are working through all of the guidance that has come through and will come back to you as soon as possible with more information.
Thank you.
Update 11th May 2020 1pm
Thank you for your continued patience with regards to the announcement last night from the Prime Minister. We are expecting to receive some further guidance this afternoon which I hope will answer the many questions I'm sure we share. As with all of the announcements so far, we have found out the updates at the same time as you so it makes it hard to have the answers ready for you.
I have conversations planned with the Local Authority, local headteachers and staff and as soon as we have more clarity on the announcement I will come back to you with what we plan to do to be able to open to more children from 1st June.
Our biggest concern is the health and safety of our whole school community so we want to make sure we are considering carefully how we can operationally manage the school community safely and effectively.
Thank you again for your patience.
I hope to be in touch with you again with our next steps by Friday.
With very best wishes,
Mrs. Wilkinson
UPDATE 20th March 1125am:
Please see the questionnaire to see if you are eligible for the urgent, critical care childcare. Please email your form or ring us at school. 01777 705990
We will then look at prioritising the need. We would appreciate any replies by 1pm today so we can make further plans.
Thank you for your continued patience.
UPDATE: 19th March 2020 3.15pm
We had hoped that we would have some further clarification on the government's announcement yesterday regarding school closures. Schools are closed for all children from Monday, except to provide emergency childcare if a family member works on the front line and is designated as a key worker.
We are still waiting for more clarification on this and who is classed as a key worker.
We now hope we can let you know the information tomorrow (Friday 20th March) and what this means about our school and what it will look like from Monday. At this point, we still have more questions than answers about the situation.
If you think you may be a key worker and you haven't already been contacted, please let us know as soon as possible. Again, until we have the guidance we are just working on the brief list from the government which includes; NHS staff, police and delivery drivers.
Children have had their learning packs sent home to be used from Monday. We have made arrangements to send packs home/be collected from school for those children who are currently absent.
We appreciate your patience and will update again when there is more to share.
Thank you.
UPDATE 18th March 2020
Following on from the announcement today we do have plans in place for the children while they are off school.
Staff have been working hard on contingency planning and to get activities in place for the children. We will share all of the details of this with you tomorrow (Thursday 19th March 2020).
We are waiting for further guidance from the government regarding key workers and will share that with you as soon as we have the information and have formulated appropriate plans, this again should be tomorrow.
Thank you for your patience.
Mrs. Wilkinson