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Class 2

Blended Learning 26.4.21

Blended Learning Planning

Sunday 18th April 2021


Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are all well. 

I cannot wait to see you all in the morning and for you to share all the lovely things you have been doing during the holidays. 

We have super busy term planned so make sure you get a good nights sleep tonight.  Don't forget to bring your homework and any reading books that need changing. 

See you soon, 

Miss Ramwell 



Today we have been learning all about micro-habitats in science. Here is our very own Sutton Bug Hotel!

Blended Learning 8.3.21

Friday 5th March

Hello Class 2!

It's finally the last day of remote learning. Wahayyy!!! Parents don't celebrate too much. Unless you are isolating then you will be returning to school on Monday. Yay!

School timings have changed slightly. Arrive between 8.30 and 8.45 and pick-up between 3.00 and 3.15. I believe Mrs. Wilkinson has sent out more information regarding this.

Please, please, please bring in ALL of your home learning and books with you. Including CGP books and all reading books. These should be in a named plastic bag so that they can be decontaminated. Books will be needed during the week so it is really important that everything is returned. 

Next week, children will spend the mornings doing assessments to identify gaps and find out where they are in their learning. Do not worry though, I have lots of lovely topic, art and well-being activities time. You will also have lots of time to talk and catch up with your friends. We will begin our Monday morning with a celebratory breakfast. If you are isolating, don't worry. You won't miss out! 

I know that some of you may be feeling a little worried about returning to school whereas others may feel excited. Whether you are scared, nervous, happy or giddy about returning. I will be here to support you and help ease you back into school. For some, it has been a long time. January seems a lifetime ago!

I am so looking forward to seeing you. 

Lots of love, 

Miss Ramwell xx

World Book Day!

Hey Class 2!

It's World Book Day so we have lots of activities which I have also put online. At school this afternoon, we are going to be making masks of our favourite book characters. The children are super excited. If you would like to have a go at this at home I have a template you use can use or you could use materials you have access to at home. Don't forget story time at 2.15 this afternoon. Bring with you your favourite book to share with the group. 

Have a fabulous day! 

 Miss Ramwell

Hey class 2! 

How are you all? I hope you are all healthy, happy and enjoying the sunshine. 

Apologies for Friday, I was a feeling rather poorly, but I am back up and running now. I think I am anyway! 

Just one more week till we are all back together. Hang on parents, you're almost there! I cannot wait to have you all back. I am hoping we are well on our way to getting back to normal. Fingers crossed our lockdown experience is over. I think I speak for everyone when I say I am truly fed up now.

I have put planning on here along with all the resources and worksheets you will need. I have got zooms ready, but I am yet to send them all out. Don't panic! I haven't forgotten. 


Guided reading - 11.30 with Miss Bell. 

Maths zooms - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 11.15 and 9.45 Thursday with Miss Ramwell. 

Story time on Thursday afternoon (Time tbc)

1:1 reading throughout the week

Star of the Week 9.15 on Friday with Miss Ramwell 


Have a lovely evening! See you soon. 

1 WEEK TO GO!!!!!! 


Miss Ramwell xxx


Please note! 

You will each have a brand new comprehension book. If you are learning from home, it should be in your learning pack. This is for guided reading sessions ONLY! Please DO NOT make your way through the book yourselves as we will be using them on your return to school as a group. Stick to the pages I have planned for. Thank you.




Blended Learning Planning 1.3.21

Thursday 25th February 2021


Hello everyone, 

I hope you are all well.

A huge thank you to everyone who has sent in work and joined me on zoom this week. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed so thank you so much. 

Things have not been easy, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

Have a great day! 

See you soon. Miss Ramwell x


Morning boys and girls!

I hope you are all well and ready for another day of learning. It looks like we'll be back together very soon. I cannot wait to see all your little faces again. 

Today, I will be zooming with a maths, guided reading and 1:1 readers. I look forward to it!

If any of you are struggling to get going this morning then take a look at the 'Wake up, Shake up' video link below. I'm sure it'll get you wiggling and smiling within seconds.

Have fun! 

Miss Ramwell x

Wake Up! School Assembly Song and Dance from Songs For EVERY Assembly by Out of the Ark Music

Blended Learning Planning 22.2.21

Hello you lovely lot! 


I hope that you are all safe, healthy and happy. 


I am spending the day getting organised for next week and will be putting on next weeks blended learning on shortly. 


You will notice there are more groups in maths than previous weeks. The reason for this is to ensure that gaps are filled and learning is not missed as this could cause difficulties further on. I have grouped the children so that I can tailor their learning accordingly. I shall email individually to let you know which group your child is in. This email will also include a zoom invite to a maths teaching session. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Like last term, I will be printing off worksheets for the week and will leave them in the box outside of school. For those children who are in part of the week I can make sure you have the sheets you need to continue working from home. Please leave any finished reading books in the box and I shall get them changed for you. Just remember to put them in a named plastic bag so I know who has returned the book.


Now for the Zooms cheeky

- Guided reading session each week

- Star of the Week Friday @9.15

- Maths teaching session (Mon - Wed @11.15 and Thurs @9.45)

- 1:1 reading 


Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing all your smiling faces soon. 

Take care!

Miss Ramwell xx


Friday 12th February 2021


Good morning all, 

Thank you so much to everyone that joined in with the Star of the Week Zoom. It's always lovely to end the week seeing your smiling faces. 

Well done to Class are all my superstars this week! I couldn't choose after all the work everyone has put in this term so it was only right you were all given a reward. 

For everyone working at home, make sure you put away your work and pencils early and start the half term holidays early. I think you've all earned it!

Stay safe. 

Lots of love. 

Miss Ramwell 


Wednesday 10th February


Good Afternoon, 

I hope you are all safe and well. 

Thank you so much to those children who have joined us on zoom this week. Me and Mrs Hunt have loved listening to you read and having a good chat. We hope you are all having a good afternoon. At school we've enjoyed doing lots of arts and crafts. We have been creating pictures to go up on our science display for next term - HABITATS! I

Thank you so much for all the fantastic work you have been sending in each day. Team points have been put in the jar for all your hard work. Keep it up! 

Nearly half term everyone so keep going. We're nearly there. 

Miss Ramwell x




Morning Class 2 laugh

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. 

Another snowy Monday morning. How exciting!

I am working from home today, but I will still be available via email and I can ring too if needed. 

I want to see you all having lots of fun in the snow so send me lots of pictures. 

Zoom invites will be sent out throughout the week as normal. 

Have fun! 

Miss Ramwell 

Blended Learning Planning 8.2.21

English writing templates 8.2.21

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Take care and stay safe heart

Miss Ramwell x

Evening all!

Whilst preparing for the morning I have realised that I have put the wrong link on for Y2 Thursday maths. After searching I can no longer find the correct one (must be time to go home) so here is an alternative link to use.

Copy and paste the link below.

Sorry if I have caused any confusion. 

Take care! 


Miss Ramwell   


Or it was anyway. 

Morning everyone, 

Well, that was a surprise when I got up this morning. 

I have sent through zoom invites for various things happening this week. Guided reading, chitter chatter time, 1:1 reading and Star of the Week. 

Any questions, you know where I am. 

Miss Ramwell 

Morning all, 

I hope you have had a lovely weekend! 

Lots to keep you busy this week. Don't forget, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. I look forward to seeing all your fantastic work. 

Miss Ramwell laugh

Blended Learning Planning 01.02.2021

Thursday 28th January 2021


Morning all, 

How is everyone this morning? 

I didn't fancy getting out of bed this morning when I heard the rain. It's a pj and snuggle up on the sofa with a film kinda day isn't it?

Anyway, please have a go at today's learning if you can. I look forward to seeing all of your hard work. 

I can't wait to see you all tomorrow for the Star of the Week assembly. Have a piece of paper and something to write with. I have a little quiz planned. 

Have a fabulous day and well done for making it to Thursday. 

You're superstars! 

Miss Ramwell

Wednesday 27th January 2021 

Morning all, 

Hope you're okay! 

I am really enjoying seeing all of your lovely work. I am so impressed with the quality of work I am receiving. Keep up the good work! 

I have going to be offering more zoom sessions next week, including story time,1:1 readers and catch ups with your friends. This is as well as the guided reading and Star of the Week on a Friday. 

It would be great if you could join in with as many sessions as you can. 

I will be emailing individually to see who you would like to catch up with first.

Missing you all.

Take Care. 

Miss Ramwell 


P.S. Parents, be kind to yourself! 

Morning all, 

Don't forget, if you have any reading books that you are finished with can you please leave them in the box outside school. I can then arrange for a new book the following week.  

We are limited on books at the moment so we'd appreciate it if you could bring them back. 

Thank you. 

Have a lovely day and I hope to see you all soon. 

Miss Ramwell

Monday 25th January 2021


Morning class 2, 

I hope you have had a nice weekend.

We are now on Week 4 of remote learning. Can you believe it? I certainly can't.

This week I will continue with our Guided Reading sessions via zoom and will be doing Star of the Week zoom on Friday. I will also be ringing as many of you as I can over the next couple of days. 

Home learning packs are available for those who have requested them from the front of school. If you would like me to prepare a pack for your child please drop me an email and I will happily put one together for you. 

If you have any reading books that need changing you can put them in the box in a named wallet and I can arrange for them to be changed for you. 

Have a fab day! 

Miss Ramwell xx


Friday 22nd January 2021


Hello everyone!

Happy Friday! It was great to see all those children who joined our Star of the Week zoom this morning. 

Home learning packs for next week will be available outside of school on Monday. If possible, can you leave any books which have been read in the box in a named plastic wallet so that they can be quarantined and sent out to the next child. 

Zoom invites will be sent out for Guided Reading and Star of the Week. Please bear with me whilst I get used to this new way of working and the new routine. I understand how frustrating technology can be, but we'll get there in the end. 

Have a good weekend! 

Miss Ramwell 

Good evening, 

I hope you have all had a good day! 

I'm sat here in class 2 looking at all the wonderful work which has been completed in school and at home. I am so proud of the quality of work which I am being sent. Well done! 

It has been lovely catching up with you all on Zoommailsmiley I loved catching up with you on Friday's Star of the Week. Can't wait to see who is crowned my little star this week! 

For many of you, it will be the 3rd week where you have been at home. It may be getting harder to keep yourself occupied and focused on your learning. That's okay! Remember, you are not on your own and I am here if you need to talk or just need me to push you in the right direction.

Can't wait to have everyone back in the classroom but for now....

Be kind to yourself. Stay safe. WASH YOUR HANDS! cheeky

Miss Ramwell


Tuesday 19th January


Morning all.

Hope you all have a fabulous day. Please send me your work by the end of the day so that I can mark and give feedback if needed. Drop me an email if needed.

Stay safe. 

Miss Ramwell laugh

Monday 18th January 2021


Good morning everyone, 

I hope you are all safe and well.

This weeks planning is now available to view. Zoom invites will be sent out for guided reading and star of the week on Friday morning. 

Please email me on if you need to ask any questions. I will do my best to support you. 

Remember to be kind to yourself too. 

Miss Ramwell x

I would just like to say thank you to every single one of you. You are all amazing and I am so proud of how hard you are all working during such challenging times. I know it's not easy but we are all doing our best.

It was lovely to see all your faces on zoom this morning. Congrats to all of you on your Star of the Week award. 

Have a fabulous weekend in the snow! Please send me any pictures of you and your family enjoying the snow. 

Take care! Stay safe!

Miss Ramwell xx


Hope you are all okay. We are missing you at school and hope that you are keeping safe.

Please remember to send me your work to the class 2 email so that it can be marked and feedback can be given if needed. 

Try to keep up with your reading too and ask your parents to keep an eye out for guided reading zoom meetings.

 I will be sending out a zoom invite for Star of the Week on Friday. It would be great to see you all. 

Keep up the hard work. 

Miss Ramwell 



House points for the following children. 

Well done for all the hard work you are putting in at home. 







I wonder who will be one of my Super Six tomorrow? yes

Good morning everyone, 

I hope you are all well. Did you have a nice weekend? 

Well, another week learning from home. Are you all ready? I'm sure you are. 

I have now uploaded this weeks planning along with all the resources you need to get going. I will be sending your zoom invites out for Guided Reading this week so please make sure you are ready. 

Please remember to get your work emailed to me by the end of the school day. 

I will be making phone calls to you all this week so be ready to talk me through what you have been learning!

If you have any question just give me a shout. 

Take care! 

Miss Ramwell

Morning from all of us in school today :)

​​​Morning everyone, 

I hope you are all okay. 

Please let me know if you are having any trouble accessing the work online. Thank you so much for everyone who has been sending me their home learning daily. It allows me to mark, give feedback and shows me what progress you are making. Unlike last time, we do expect you to be engaging in lessons daily. It is really important (health permitting) that you keep up with your learning. 

I completely understand if you are struggling to motivate yourself. Believe me, I am finding it hard at times too. If you think you need motivating, let me know and I can give you a ring. I'm not exactly a motivational speak but I can try my best. 

Stay safe and I will be in touch. 

Miss Ramwell x

Good afternoon boys and girls!

I hope you are all safe and well. We are all missing you at school. It's very quiet. 

Please make sure you check in on here daily to make sure you get any updates. Please send me any work you have completed from either yesterday or today so that I can mark it. 

It is really important that you keep up with your home learning. I know how hard it can be to motivate yourself but please keep going. 

I will be giving out team points!!!!

If you have any questions you can email me or I can give you a call at some point. 

Take care.

Miss Ramwell 

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Good Morning all, I hope you are all well. I’m sure many of you will have questions and I will do the best I can to answer them all as soon as possible.

So, welcome to your online learning!

Today, I will be preparing support packs for the children today to support their remote learning. These packs will include a book in which to record work, maths paper, 100 square grid, multiplication grid for those who need them and a pencil, rubber, ruler and sharpener. Please ensure you child works in pencil.

I will address reading materials ASAP but as you will appreciate, this will be a tricky area because of issuing, receiving and quarantining. There are reading activities planned for this week in the class planning this week. Pleas bear with me as I try to refine the remote learning.

The children are familiar with using the Oak National Academy for most subjects. They will need to keep stopping the tuition videos to complete activities, some verbally, some written. It is fine to replay parts if needed.

White Rose Maths is the platform they are most familiar with for maths. Maths challenges will also be set and can be written straight into maths books. Please let me know if you have any difficulties when logging on. If links do not work, please copy and paste the web addresses into your search bar.

Please submit your child’s work electronically at the end of each school day. You can do this by sending me a picture via the class email. I can then mark and give feedback. This will also alert me to any difficulties which your child might be having, which I can then address.

This is going to be a challenge for everyone and I really do appreciate how difficult home learning can be.

Keep me informed of any problems and I’ll do everything I can to support you.

I may not respond immediately to emails during the school day as I will be teaching, but will address any queries ASAP during the day.

I will endeavour to sort out any problems by email or phone call, by five o’clock each day but unless it is an emergency, contact after this time may have to wait until the following day.

Please check this page regularly as I will be posting new information throughout the week.

Thank you for your patience. I am extremely grateful.

Stay safe!

Many Thanks

Miss Ramwell


We have a name. Everyone meet Elton!


A temporary name given by Miss Ramwell which we all decided to keep. Elton has settled into the classroom and the children have been wonderful with him. He loves his food and enjoys exploring the classroom in his ball. Elton isn't quite ready to be handled but we're so pleased to have him with us. 

Autumn Term 2 Newsletter

Blended Learning Plan 2.11.20

Hello class 2,

I hope you are having a wonderful break and are getting to spend lots of quality time with your family. Before we come back, I would like to introduce you to the 19th member of Class 2. This little one joined me at home on Monday and is settling in really well. 

Have a think of some names and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon. 

Lots of love, 

Miss Ramwell and our new class pet x

Excuse me...I need a name!

Class 2.

I cannot wait to see you all next week. Things may look a little different but remember we are all in this together. See you Wednesday! 

Miss Ramwell smiley
